Need a getaway during the holidays? Park your dog with us.
In-home Pet Care So Amazing They Will Never Know You Left!

Need a getaway during the holidays? Park your dog with us.
At In Cahoots with Canines, we believe that the more a beloved pet can stay within their daily routine, the happier and more fulfilled they will be. And that’s why we started this business – to serve the client and their pet as effectively as possible while also adhering to the home-like feel of the daily routine. Some dog walkers take as many dogs at a time to the park for their socializing and playtime. Socialization is very important, but at In Cahoots with Canines, we take your dog out on a one-on-one basis. They will still play with other dogs at the park, but their walk is theirs and theirs alone. We find that many pet owners really appreciate this personalized attention for their pet. We also do pet sitting either at your place.
Our bond with animals is so strong, and their care so important to Kirk and I, that we decided to make taking care of animals our life’s work. And we decided to do things a little bit differently. We wanted to provide the most intimate care possible for people and their pets by striving to maintain and build upon familiar routines and places in your pet’s life.
Please note that we believe every client's situation is unique and we do everything we can to meet the client's needs and make sure the cost is comfortably within their budget. We will work with you to provide the care you need at a price you can afford. Our objective is to provide the best care possible like they are at a premium day spa for dogs.
We love caring for pets! Send us an email to make any pet services appointment. Dog walks are typically 45 minutes. Extended pet care services include 24-hour-a-day care at your home. Any timeframe that exceeds 2 walks or 4 hours is automatically billled at the daily rate agreed upon with the client.
150 Haight Street, San Francisco, California 94102, United States
Centrally located in the Lower Haight neighborhood in San Francisco.
Open today | 07:00 am – 08:00 pm |
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